
  • Hamroyev Khurshid Hamzayevich Student of Navoi State Mining and Technological University


Inflation has been known for a long time. It is assumed that it arose practically with the advent of money itself. Views on inflation of economic sciences are various. Different definitions, concepts and constructions of inflation classification are used. It seems appropriate to generalize various opinions, to propose a model of inflation and a theory of negative economic expectations, to some extent related to inflation.



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Mirzaeva M.N. Formation of the concept and technology of intercultural competition among students in universities. International scientific journal "Scientific Horizons" No.5 / 2018- P. 81-84p

Mirzaeva M.N. Technology forming professional competence of students of the technical university in the lessons of foreign languages // International scientific journal "Scientific Horizon" No. 8/2019 -27-31s.

Mirzayeva M. N., Xasanov S., Goziyev A. Communicative competence as a component of the professional competence of a technical specialist //Актуальные вопросы современной науки. – 2021. – С. 10-12.

Mirzaeva M. N., Xasanov S. A new methodology for teaching a foreign language in technical universities for the development of student competence //Наука и Техника. Мировые Исследования. – 2020. – С. 9-10.

Mirzaeva M. N. Formation of concept and technologies of cultural competence at students of technical universities //Theoretical & Applied Science. – 2020. – №. 5. – С. 907-909.


