
  • Saidnazarova Gulshan Bolta kizi Teacher, Department of Pedagogy, Bukhara State University Hamroyeva Zarnigor is a student of the Pedagogy and Psychology department at Bukhara State University


Since gaining independence, our country has placed significant emphasis on reviving cultural heritage, studying the works of past scholars, and revitalizing national values. Particularly, the lives and intellectual contributions of great scholars who had not been adequately studied before are now the subject of extensive scientific research. Similarly, just as specialists in other fields are being recognized, the works and contributions of hadith scholars (muhaddiths) are also receiving special attention.

Keywords: Ethics and morality, Hadith, Education and upbringing, Cultural heritage, Spiritual and educational activities, History, Tradition, Values.



1. Shaykh Muhammad Sodiq Muhammad Yusuf, Odoblar Xazinasi (The Treasure of Ethics), Tashkent, 2021, p. 15.

2. U. Uvatov, Hadith Ilmining Sultoni (The Sultan of Hadith Science), Uzbekistan Literature and Art, October 29, 1993, No. 43-44.

3. Uzbekistan National Encyclopedia, Letter "Z", p. 93.

4. Shaykh Muhammad Sodiq Muhammad Yusuf, Odoblar Xazinasi, Hilol-Nashr, Tashkent, 2021

5. Hadis va Hayot (Hadith and Life), Vol. 2.

6. Imam al-Bukhari, Al-Adab al-Mufrad, & Shaykh Abdulaziz Mansur, Imam al-Bukhari and Al-Adab al-Mufrad, & Ubaydulla Uvatov, The Sultan of Hadith Scholars, Two documentary films | Khursid Davron Library.

7. The same book, p. 12.

8. U. Uvatov, The Role of Mawarannahr and Khorasan Scholars in the Development of Hadith Science (Imam al-Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam at-Tirmidhi), Doctoral dissertation, Tashkent, 2001.

9. Goldziher I., Muslim Studies (Muhammedanische Studien), Vol. 2, London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1969.

10. J. Nosirov, Ideas of Moral Education Among Central Asian Thinkers of the 9th-10th Centuries (Based on the Works of al-Bukhari and al-Farabi), Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Tashkent, 2000.

11. A.A. Bolibekov, Ways of Using Hadiths in the Moral Development of Students Through Literary Education, Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Tashkent, 2008

12. B. Eshonjonov, The Role of Imam al-Bukhari in the Cultural Life of 9th-Century Mawarannahr and the Jurisprudential Issues in His Work “Al-Jami' al-Sahih”, Tashkent, 2000, p. 175.


