
  • Radjabova Shakhnoza Utkirovna Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages


Key words; lexical units, theoritical, typological, syntax


The syntax of language studies the unts for complicated than the word .Theese are the prases and the sentence, their combinations, types, structures of sentences and parts of the sentences.A sentence is an integral unit of speech having a communicative purpose; it expresses a statement, a question or inducement. The sentence expresses predication, i.e. shows whether the event is real or unreal, desirable or obligatory, stated as truth or asked about, etc. The sentence can consist of one or several notional words. In modern linguistics, problems with the study of phraseological units in two unrelated languages from a typological point of view are especially relevant. In connection with the expansion of interest in two cultures and languages, the question arises of the need to conduct theoretical research on a number of problems. iladi.So the formation of ' z is characteristic of the systems of all languages, since the word-making process itself works continuously, and the word-making tools themselves develop dynamically. On this basis, lexical units are created and the vocabulary of a particular language is enriched" the presence of Word formation in systems of different languages indicates the typological totality of this phenomenon. The presence of this method of Word formation in most language systems simultaneously shows the universality of the existence of reduplication from a typological point of view, which gives us the basis for studying the reduccative type of Word formation from a typological point of view, that is, in different languages such as English and Uzbek.



Allerton D.J. Essentials of Grammatical Theory. Routledge, 1979.

Hawkins John A. The Comparative Typology of English and German: Unifying the

Contrasts. London/Sydney: Croom Helm, 1986.

Stanley Fish. "Devoid of Content." The New York Times, May 31, 2005. Also How to

Write a Sentence and How to Read One. HarperCollins, 2011.

Croft William. Typology and Universals. Cambridge UNIV Press, 2003.

Yusupov U. K. ingliz va Uzbek tilining qarama-qarshi tillari. Toshkent,

Журинская М.Й. Лингвистическая типология. Общее языкознание. Внутренняя структура языка. М.: Наука, 1972. с.516-544.

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Кононов А.Н. Грамматика современного узбекского литературного языка. М-Л.; 1Э60-. 446 с.25.

