Hozirgi zamon ilmiy-texnika taraqqiyotining asosi bo’lmish hisoblash texnikasidan ishlab-chiqarishning turli iqtisodiy vazifalarini hal etish va har xil murakkab masalalarni echishda keng foydalanilmoqda, chunki juda ko’p faktorlarni hisobga olish, ulkan hajmdagi axborotlar bilan ishlash zaruriyati- elektron mashinalarsiz hal etishga imkon bermaydi. Hisoblash texnikasi yordamida mashinasozlik, transport ishlab-chiqarishini rejalashtirish, loyihalash, hisoblash hamda tahlil ishlari keng hal qilinmoqda. Ushbu maqolada informatika zamon taraqqiyoti asosi ekanligi hamda yurtimizda ushbu fanning rivojlanish istiqbollari haqida so`z yuritilgan.
Kalit so`zlar: Informatika, antik davr, elektron xisoblash mashinalari (EXM), atom energetikasi, kosmosni o’zlashtirish, ob - xavoni bashorati, IT.
1. Tucker, Allen B.. Computer Science Handbook, 2nd, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2004. ISBN 978-1-58488-360-9.
2. „Within more than 70 chapters, every one new or significantly revised, one can find any kind of information and references about computer science one can imagine. […] all in all, there is absolute nothing about Computer Science that can not be found in the 2.5 kilogram-encyclopaedia with its 110 survey articles […].“ (Christoph Meinel, Zentralblatt MATH)
3. van Leeuwen, Jan. Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science. The MIT Press, 1994. ISBN 978-0-262-72020-5.
4. „[…] this set is the most unique and possibly the most useful to the [theoretical computer science] community, in support both of teaching and research […]. The books can be used by anyone wanting simply to gain an understanding of one of these areas, or by someone desiring to be in research in a topic, or by instructors wishing to find timely information on a subject they are teaching outside their major areas of expertise.“ (Rocky Ross, SIGACT News)
5. Ralston, Anthony; Reilly, Edwin D.; Hemmendinger, David. Encyclopedia of Computer Science, 4th, Grove's Dictionaries, 2000. ISBN 978-1-56159-248-7.