
  • Sherkuzieva G. F. Bakhriddinova M.N. Egamberdieva Z.Z, Boysarieva M.R. Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Organoleptic, physicochemical, microbiological, technological properties, as well as quality and safety indicators are determined in the hygienic toxicological examination of food additives. The immunological activity of the "Mella croissan" feed additive was studied. Food mixture at a dose of 413 mg/kg did not have a negative effect on the amount of IgG and IgM class immunoglobulins in the peripheral blood serum of experimental animals.



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SanPin No. 0258-08 dated 25.11.08 "Hygienic requirements for production and processing of biologically active food additives (BAD)".

Sherkuzieva G.F., Khegay L.N. // Hygiene and toxicology of the new food mixture "Mella Croissant" // Collection of scientific works of the international scientific-practical online conference on "Actual problems and innovative technologies in the field of natural sciences". - T., 2020. - Volume 2. - B. 473-475

Sherkuzieva G.F., Hegay L.N., Samigova N.R. //Parameter toxicity of food mixture "MELLA CROISSAN" and conditions of chronic experience// Fundamental principles of innovative development of science and education: Materialy international scientific and practical conference of TMU. Abu Ali Ibni Sino (68th year) "Problems of fundamental science and clinical medicine", dedicated to "Rural development, tourism and national crafts (2019-2021)". - Monday, 2020. - S. 569-570

Sherkuzieva G.F., Egamberdieva Z.Z Water in food products and its importance Healthy lifestyle International scientific conference. February 17, 2023, Tashkent city. pp. 86-87.

Sherkuzieva G. F., Salomova F.I., Hegay L.N., Khakimova D.S. Importance of checking the toxicological properties of food additives, a collection of articles of the XXXII scientific and technical conference "Hopeful chemists-2023". Tashkent, TCTU, April 25-27, 2023

Sherkuzieva, G. F., Samigova, N. R., Shaikhova, L. I., & Jalilov, A. A. (1999). “Kompleksnaya hygieno-toksikologicheskaya otsenka" Lactonorm-H. INFECTIONS, IMMUNITY AND PHARMACOLOGY, 261.

Sherkuzieva, G. F., Salomova, F. I., Samigova, N. R., & Khegai, L. N. (2022). Results of studies of acute and chronic toxicity of the food additive “Fass Hungel” (Minsk conference) (Doctoral dissertation, Minsk).

Sherkuzieva, G. F., & Kasimova, Kh. T. (2017). Toxicity of the dietary supplement "Laktonorm-H (K Kaliy)" in a chronic experiment. Young Scientist, (1-2), 10-12.


