
  • Umarova Feruza Nigmatovna Teacher, English Department, ‘Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers’ National Research University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Communicative competence is a multi-component complex socio-psychological concept. The essence of communicative competence is the ability to organize speech activities depending on the tasks and specific communicative situation based on the acquired knowledge and skills. The quality of the manifestation of competence in communicative activity we call communicative competence. The analysis of psychological-didactic literature showed that the problem of the formation of communicative competence is the most discussed. Various methodical schools are looking for ways to form communicative competence. The purpose of our study was to determine the pedagogical conditions that ensure the effective formation of communicative competence in teaching a foreign language. Competence in a foreign language is the goal and result of special education. The formation of communicative competence of students in teaching a foreign language is carried out through the development in the aggregate of communicative, language competences and linguisticcultural competence, which is carried out through familiarization with material about the country of the language being studied.


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