
  • Xoshimova Dilnoza Sobit qizi Student of Alfraganus University


In the article "Teaching Foreign Languages Through Computer Technologies," the author explores how digital tools are transforming language education. The integration of technologies such as language learning software, online platforms, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and artificial intelligence (AI) provides interactive and immersive learning experiences. These tools enhance engagement, accessibility, and effectiveness by offering personalized learning paths, real-time feedback, and cultural content. Despite the significant benefits, challenges such as the digital divide and the need for proficient educators are noted. The article concludes that while technology should complement human interaction, its evolving role in language education promises innovative and effective ways to master foreign languages.

Key word: Computer technologies, Language learning, Digital tools, Interactive learning, Immersive experiences, Language learning software, Online platforms, Virtual reality (VR), Augmented reality (AR), Artificial intelligence (AI)



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How to Cite

Xoshimova Dilnoza Sobit qizi Student of Alfraganus University. (2024). TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES THROUGH COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES. SCIENCE AND INNOVATION IDEAS IN MODERN EDUCATION, 2(5), 204–208. Retrieved from http://woconferences.com/index.php/SIIME/article/view/1579