
  • Sokhiba Kholmirzaevna Allanazarova senior teacher at Navoi State University of Mining and Technology
  • Idrisov Abdullokhoja Farkhodovich Islamov Nematjon Navrozovich Murodullayev Nodirjon Students at Navoi State University of Mining and Technology


Systematic analysis of onomastics from a scientific and artistic point of view was the main goal of this study. That is why this section of "Uzbek onomastics" attracts the attention of researchers with its unique problems and urgent problems that need to be solved. Therefore, in this field, the main attention is paid to the methodology of nouns as artistic onomastic units. Because positive images in popular scientific and artistic works created symbolic images of beloved heroes in the vernacular, and their names became popular among the people. So, the problems of Uzbek artistic onomastics are an area where large-scale scientific research can be successfully carried out.


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