
  • Ozodakhon Elmurod qizi Izzatillaeva, Uzbekistan state world languages university


This article provides an overview of different types of learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD, and auditory processing disorder. The author discusses the impact of learning disabilities on academic performance and highlights the importance of identifying and addressing these conditions early. The article also covers IEPs and 504 plans, which are tools designed to provide specialized support and accommodations to students with learning disabilities. Additionally, the author presents research-based instructional strategies and interventions (such as explicit instruction, reciprocal teaching, assistive technology, multi-component interventions, and social skills training) that teachers can use to support students with learning disabilities. The article emphasizes the importance of collaboration between teachers, parents, and special education professionals in supporting the academic and social-emotional needs of students with learning disabilities.


Keywords: Learning disabilities, dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD, auditory processing disorder, academic performance, IEPs, 504 plans, instructional strategies, interventions, collaboration.


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