A turning point in the history of the Carpathian Basin. This article mainly provides information about the Avar Khaganate. Avars are peoples living in the Carpathian region. This was facilitated by the Great Migration. In the territory of modern Hungary, the tribe had a strong political power. Information about the Avars has been preserved only in the annals of Byzantium and the Frankish state. Through this article, information about the land of the Avars is given based on reliable grounds.
1. Jordanes, Getica 24.121, English translation in Mierow 1915, 85.
2. John of Ephesus, Ecclesiastical History 6.45, English translation in Brooks 1936, 258. For the image of the Avars in the West, see Tirr 1976.
3. Leo the Deacon, History, in Hase 1828, 61–62. For the image of Bulgarians in Byzantine literature, see Angelov 1994.
4. Müller 1989, 141–64.